Forte Stella | Porto Ercole

Forte Stella | Porto Ercole

In Porto Ercole we find a fort that owes its name to its particular shape: a star!


Designed in the second half of the sixteenth century, when Monte Argentario became part of the State of the Presidi, the fort was concluded about a century later. The Spaniards, for its realization, turned to a reference point of the sixteenth century in Italy: Cosimo I de ‘Medici who entrusted the work to the architects Buontalenti and Camerini. The particular and fascinating shape is composed of a square base with bastions at each corner and a body positioned above with the shape of a real six-pointed star.

Initially used for its strategic position with military and sighting functions, thanks to the wide view of the mainland and the sea visible from all points of construction, it was used less and less until the Unification of Italy, when it was simply decommissioned.

Visitare Forte Stella




Generally during spring and summer it is possible to visit Forte Stella. Alternatively, it often hosts exhibitions and cultural events as well as private events.

What will leave you speechless are the breathtaking views that can be seen from every point of the fort. On one side Porto Ercole and the other two fortifications: the Rocca Spagnola and Forte Filippo, on the other the Spiaggia Lunga, one of the most beautiful on the promontory, and in the center, you can look towards the horizon and enjoy the endless sea.






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