Maremma’s 5 Michelin Stars

Maremma’s 5 Michelin Stars

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Frequently, when thinking of the Maremma, the standard dishes of our tradition come to mind: tortello al ragù di cinghiale ( or pappardelle ), acquacotta and its many variations, cheeses, cured meats, and excellent desserts: cavallucci, schiaccia di Pasqua, frittelle…

Not to mention the excellent wine produced in this beautiful region.

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But there are some restaurants, 5 to be precise, that take the raw materials of our land, and make them sublime, experimental, gourmet!

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Let’s start right away with our beautiful headland.

In Monte Argentario, beloved by royalty from around the world and big stars from show business, Hotel Il Pellicano, with its chef Michelino Gioia, brings you a sophisticated menu that has earned a Michelin Star by combining the freshest ingredients from both land and sea.

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We move on to Castiglione della Pescaia, about an hour from Porto Santo Stefano and Porto Ercole for another restaurant that has earned a Michelin Star. Enrico Bartolini’s Ristorante la Trattoria is part of the Enrico Bartolini chain of restaurants, which in addition to Tuscany can be found in Venice, Milan all the way to Hong Kong and Dubai.

As the website of our third starred restaurant mentions, ” Expanses of woods and olive trees accompany the gaze toward Seggiano…where once the post station tavern gave refreshment to wayfarers on their way, stands today Roberto Rossi’s Silene.” A Michelin star also for this place where raw materials and tradition meet the avant-garde.

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In Ghirlanda, in the province of Grosseto, we find the Bracali restaurant, which boasts 2 Michelin stars as well as 1 medal-5 forks from the Touring Club, score 17.5 for the Espresso Guides and a Gambero Rosso score of 85.

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Last but not least is the restaurant Caino in Montemerano. And it really has to be said since as a maremma osteria, we can also boast 2 Michelin stars here thanks to Chef Valentina Piccini.

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